Welcome to SW Health & Wellbeing

Welcome to SW Health & Wellbeing

What makes SW Health & Wellbeing different?

I understand it can be daunting to trial a new treatment especially with someone you may be reading about for the first time today! So it is important to explain my background and what is on offer. If you are really keen to get to know me better take a look at my bio but the short version is as follows!

I balance SW Health & Wellbeing alongside my full time job in a busy Physiotherapy Outpatients Department, working as a Technical Instructor. This is a highly scrutinised role and I must obtain and provide the highest quality methods and advice based on national guidance and a patient’s best interests. All treatment for SW Health & Wellbeing is safely considered against a vast amount of experience and professional capability for injuries, long term conditions or athletic development.

It is this mix of high quality professional techniques and the fully accessible location and price that makes SW Health & Wellbeing different

What makes SW Health & Wellbeing different?

Treatment is offered in clinic space in Wellington, Cotford St Luke or in your own home. It is this mix of high quality professional techniques and the fully accessible location and price that makes SW Health & Wellbeing different.

Please do read my bio in the About me section, my reviews and what treatment I can offer. Or just send me a message for a friendly chat about whether the reason you are reading this could benefit from quality treatment.

“You showed me glute exercises at the Dartmoor training camp. I wanted to feedback that the advice has been very successful. I do the exercises (which are not easy!) on days when I don’t cycle. My IT band problem has resolved to the extent that I shan’t be taking my foam roller with me to Mallorca on Saturday, Thanks Again”

Review from J.K in May 2019